Buckets of Inspiration from Colonel Sanders and KFC!
We all have bad days, sometimes even bad weeks. This was one of those for me. It always seems to be the case that trouble comes in bursts. It’s like the saying goes…’When it Rains it Pours’.
I had an insurance claim on a property that I paid for out of pocket, it has taken forever for the claim payments to come through (I am not a patient person)
I have two LTB (Landlord Tenant Board) Evictions I’m dealing with for non-payment of rent and failure to vacate after giving notice.
I have three huge renovation projects on the go – extras are always expected but stressful none the less
I could go on – nothing worth doing is easy is what I tell myself, but there are days when you just want to climb into bed and pull the sheets over my head!
I look at my 3 month old son and think – Must be nice!!
So I’m having a particularly crappy week – and (aside from my kid’s smiling face of course) I need a pick-me up. I come across this great article in a newsletter I subscribe to about the founder of KFC – Colonel Sanders.
It was the perfect story – especially when we think that the road to success is too long, or too challenging.
So let me tell you a little about him:
-When he was 5, his father died and at age 16 he dropped out of school
-By the time he was 17, he had already lost 4 jobs
-By age 18, he was married and became a father at age 19
-He applied for law school and was rejected
-At age 20, his wife left him and took their small daughter (he tried to kidnap his baby, failed, but eventually convinced his wife to come back home)
-At age 65 he retired and received his first government cheque for $105!
He was devastated – he was not willing to take handouts and decided to commit suicide
As he sat under a tree writing his will, he realized that there was something he could do to make some money – cook. So he borrowed $87, bought some chicken and went door to door selling his signature recipe.
By age 88, Colonel Sanders had created a legacy (KFC) which was a massive empire and he was a billionaire.
This is the ‘Coles Notes’ version of it – but the moral of the story remains. Success is never easy. More over, it is never to late to start. Whether you 18 or 65, success is possible.
Perseverance, dedication, and ambition along with hard work can create success; regardless of your age.
I meet people all the time who don’t know where to start, or think that ‘they have missed the boat’. I think that there is no such thing – opportunity always exists for those who seek it.
So until next time……………………
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