
7 Biggest Differences Between REITs And Real Estate Syndications

If real estate investing seems interesting to you, but you’d…

Stocks vs Real Estate: A Comparison of Risks

Investment risk can be defined as the probability or likelihood…

5 Reasons Real Estate Is The Most Effective And Lucrative Investment

The vast majority of people spend their lives working full-time…

Active Versus Passive Real Estate Investing – Which One Is Right For You?

Did you know that you could invest in real estate without the…

How To Stop Trading Your Time For Money And Start Creating Passive Income

Let me take you back to over 10 years ago, while I was still…

5 Things Every New Investor Should Do Before Investing In Their First Real Estate Syndication

When you first begin to consider real estate syndication as an…

Top 3 Reasons I Shifted my Focus to Investing in US Multifamily

There is a quote that I heard from a friend recently that says…

The Effect of Inflation & Deflation on Real Estate

The Real Estate Market and the Stock Market are behaving irrationally…

Are Your Investments Pandemic Proof?

There are some days where I wake up and I still can't believe…

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Real Estate Investing

For those of you who know me, I love to talk about real estate…

How to Leverage Your Home to Grow Your Wealth

When we got married in 2009, buying a home was completely out…

Why Flipping Properties is Not Real Estate Investing

I have been talking a lot about my focus on flipping properties…