A Reflection on 2017 and Tips to Crush 2018!

There is something about the closing of one year and the start of a new one that makes us all stop, think and reflect.

Whether you want to get healthier, make more money or start a new career – people generally use this as an opportunity to set new goals for themselves and feel like they have a blank slate to write on.

I usually take this as a time to reflect on my previous year and take a final look at my goals to see where I stand.

Ever since reading Grant Cardone’s philosophy of the “10X Rule” – I am convinced that the benchmark you set for yourself is imperative.

Let’s face it. When you aim too low, you’re setting yourself up to underachieve relative to your potential.

After all, if you want to be great, but are setting goals in the average range, you might feel great when you accomplish the goal. But, you’ll still just be average.

Cardone believes that you need to set goals that are 10 times bigger than the average, and follow them with 10 times more action than you are taking today. That’s how you see real-world results. That’s how you make it big.

My wife and I both sit and write our goals for the year.  When we review them, we haven’t achieved every single one of them – as they span from family to health and then of course to our business and financial goals.

But I am happy to report that we had an amazing 2017.

This year we :

-Helped more investors create wealth than ever before, continued to provide exceptional service to our investors through our Savvy Real Estate Investor brand

Best of all – our clients continue to succeed. I hope to post some success stories in our coming blogs and show you some of the awesome stuff they are doing out there.  I am so blessed to be part of the journey!

  • Acquired and completed several new projects this year, some which involved significant renovations.  We were able to refinance a few of these deals as well and are ready to attack 2018 full swing!
  • Renovated and completed our most important project yet – our personal home.  We spent 3 months renovating and finally moved into our new home.
  • Took some awesome family holidays including our most recent trip to the Western Mediterranean
  • Enjoyed spending time with our family and friends – hosted some great parties in our wonderful new space

Listing, acknowledging and celebrating the achievement of our goals is just as important as setting them.  I don’t tell you any of this to brag – we are just normal people who work our tails off and set massive goals for ourselves.

We have some new and outrageous goals for 2018 which involves the launch of a new arm to our current business, hiring of some more team members to join us and expansion through the creation of systems to ensure we have more time.

But remember – goals without a plan are just a dream.  I am a HUGE believer in writing down your goals.

Decide exactly what you want in every key area of your life

  1. INCOME – how much do you want to earn this year, next year and five years from today?
  2. FAMILY – what kind of a lifestyle do you want to create for yourself and your family?
  3. HEALTH – how would your health be different if it was perfect in every way?
  4. NET WORTH – how much do you want to save and accumulate in the course of your working lifetime?

Once you have decided and written down your one year goals, break it down into quarterly goals and monthly goals.

Once you have that start writing down actionable steps – things you will read, or education that you will attend to

When you have a Goal and a Plan, you increase the likelihood of achieving your goals by 10 times, by 1000%!

■ Plan each day, week and month in advance.

■ Plan each month at the beginning of the month.

■ Plan each week the weekend before.

■ Plan each day the evening before.

Remember that the most precious thing you have is time.  The more you value your time, the more precisely you will plan.

I can tell you that goal setting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  And the beautiful thing is – over the years I can truly say that I have accomplished many of the goals I have set for myself, or at least got closer to achieving them.

I urge you to take some time this year to really reflect and decide on goals for yourself for the coming year.

So until next time, happy Canadian Real Estate Investing.

Jose Jafferji, REIA

Your Real Estate Investment Advisor, Coach & Realtor

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